

We specialize in helping our clients realize anything from a minor branch refurbishment to a completely refurbished head office in a timely, non-disruptive, and cost-effective manner. We will manage the entire refurbishment process from design to construction, refreshing, reorganizing or rebranding a tired office to create a vibrant, practical and inviting new workplace.

Over the years, Emirates-Focus-Design have become specialists in modifying workplaces that are concurrently being used, managing them with a view to minimising disruption and headaches for staff. While accommodating business activity we still works to tight deadlines and more importantly, has strict internal systems in place that ensure our client’s premises are ready to go on handover day.

We strive to provide the highest possible levels of service and customer satisfaction.

Emirates focus design llc is a well established organization in the United Arab Emirates in the field of office interior solution and has successfully completed a number of projects in United Arab Emirates.

Contact Us

Al Hilal Bank Building, Al Twar -Dubai -UAE Phone:+971 4 2593975 Fax:+971 4 2593976
© Copyright 2020- Emirates Focus Design LLC.